Belle and Sebastian have revealed ‘How to Solve Our Human Problems: Part 3’, the third and final EP in the triptych – with the trilogy reaching #3 in the UK Album Charts over the weekend.
February 20, 2018
As the Evening Standard put it – “The EPs are expansive, breathing new life into a band now more than two decades old. They are at their best when they allow their music to emerge organically on EP sessions — it’s a format the band imaginatively command.” (4/5)
Vulture deemed it “Their finest work in years” http://www.vulture.com/2018/02/belle-and-sebastian-on-making-their-best-music-in-years.html
The Times hail the band as “…one of the most thoughtful and compelling bands out there” (4/5) and fellow British papers followed suit with the iPaper calling the trilogy “Quite, quite lovely” (4/5) with the Daily Mail saying the releases “reiterate the solid pop credentials that continue to serve [B&S] well” (4/5).
So, as American Songwriter instructed, “jump in anywhere because these songs will turn any frown upside down” (4.5/5) http://americansongwriter.com/2018/02/belle-sebastian-solve-human-problems/?utm_content=67212651&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter