John Butler Organizes “Frack Off!” Concerts
December 13, 2016
On September 14th, John Butler announced “Frack Off!” – a concert organized to raise awareness of the onshore gas industry and to promote a frack free state in Western Australia.
Originally a single event scheduled for November 26th, the show had such success – selling out within 48 hours – prompting the addition of another concert the following evening on November 27th. Approximately 10,000 people attended the two concerts to unite against gas exploration and mining.
“Think about it this way: Who has the most to gain by telling you that the onshore gas industry is safe? The industry itself…” says Butler. “We have nothing to gain by having an onshore gas industry in our state but everything to lose. OUR vested interest lies in our home and communities. Our Land. Our Water. “
Both shows included performances from John Butler Trio, Mama Kin, Pigram Brothers, and Ten Cent Shooters as well as speakers from three other regions in Western Australia fighting against unconventional gas. Proceeds from ticket sales were donated to anti-fracking lobby.
Butler said, “It’s time for political parties and their leaders to listen and respond. If they won’t stand up and stop this risky industry, then the community is making it pretty clear that they will do it themselves.”