Red Light Management

Joseph Livestream Announce

September 22, 2020

Joseph announces their first Livestream Album shows Oct 8-10 on NoonChorus + Exclusive merch line.
10/8: Native Dreamer Kin
10/9: I’m Alone, No You’re Not
10/10: Good Luck, Kid
Hi friends,
How are you?
Whatever your answer is in this moment, we are here to offer you some music – hopefully as some kind of companion in it. Since we couldn’t come be with you in person we recorded three separate shows, one for each album we’ve released! We’re calling it ALL THE SONGS WE’VE EVER PLAYED. So for all you Native Dreamer Kin fans who wish we’d play Gold and for all of you who have requested Tally Marks or wish we still closed the set out with Sweet Dreams, this is for you. 🙂 We also have a few extra treats in there – a couple of songs we never released and some covers. We’re so very pleased to share these shows with you and we’ll be watching along and chatting with you when they air!
We’re looking forward to seeing you here on the internet and we hope this email finds you better than how the emails found Phoebe Waller Bridge in the memes over on @bbcfleabag.